What bills are up this week at MN Leg and what to do about them!

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Weekly Update of scheduled for hearings this week at Minnesota Legislature, and who to contact about them.

The Mar 22nd Committee deadline means bills must be heard by then to stay in process, so things are very busy at #MnLeg this week.

For a good run-down of bills worth paying attention to straight away, see @WatchYourRepMn's weekly update below. Choose the bills you care about and take action. Call, email, tweet the committee members and particularly the committee Chair. Attend the hearing. Testify at the hearing.

Your action on bills makes a difference. They tally the calls, they read and tally the emails, they see how many people attend the hearings (try to wear something that identifies what side you are on), they listen to the testifiers.

To sign up to testify on a bill at a committee hearing, contact the committee legislator

Watch Your Reps weekly updates