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Weekly rundown of bills-to-do-something-about from WatchYourRepsMN

Final full week of Mn Leg session 2018! Here's your weekly rundown of bills-to-do-something-about from WatchYourRepsMN.

Look through the weekly Mn Leg bills update from the fabulous WatchYourRepsMN. Find the ones you care about, and call, email, tweet your message to your legislators and/or the Governor! It's quick, easy and effective!

To keep even more up-to-date, follow WYRMN on twitter  or sign up for updates straight to your e-mail.

Two bills to do something about RIGHT NOW are:

Find out who represents you!

Governor Dayton's office: 651-201-3400 or send him a message.

Every call and email counts, as does every issue you raise!