Last day of session. Lots to call Gov. Dayton about today!

Good news!

Dayton vetoed anti-protest highway penalty bill HF390 and Line 3 Greenlight bill HF3759. Call to thank him!

The Guilty by Association bill HF3693 passed yesterday. Call Dayton to veto this bill. As MN350 says, this bill is "unconstitutional, undemocratic and unnecessary. Fossil-fuel interests shouldn’t get to rig the system just because they have friends at the Capitol. In MN, all of us get a say."

The HUGE Supplemental finance omnibus (Omnibusprime) has gone back to the Gov. with lots of problems. Call him about it.

MN Leg is working on lots more today incl. tax bill, education funding, etc. For the latest, follow @WatchYourRepsMn on twitter.

WatchYourRepsMn's latest update on bills to take action on

Gov Dayton's tel: 651-201-3400. Call him or email him - they tally all messages and the issues raised in them.

And thank you for your legislative action. It makes a difference - as we see by the bad bills vetoed so far this session. Keep it up!