ERA Lobby Days


We’re a month into the 2021 MN legislative session, committee deadlines are coming up, and we need to make sure that important bills, like the Equal Rights Amendment, get a hearing in both the MN House and Senate. This means we must let our legislators know that we want these bills to be heard.

 Starting TOMORROW, our good friends at ERA MN are running six one-hour workshops on how to lobby your legislator, an overview of the ERA bills, and they’ll also help connect you with your legislators. 


  • February 22, 24 & March 1 at 7:00 - 8:00 pm

  • February 23, 25 & March 2 at 11:00 am -12:00 pm

These ERA MN workshops are excellent. They´re virtual, so you can attend from anywhere in MN, and they´re free. Choose a day and time that suits you and sign up. (You can attend more than one if you want). The skills you´ll learn here can be used to take action on ANY bills you care about, including the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

To register, email your name, address, and the session you´ll attend. 

Sign up and let your legislators know that equality can't wait. We need the ERA  now.

More about ERA MN and the ERA bills!

Act NowShannon AndresonERA