Women's March Minnesota

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Fundraiser for Elim Church/Strong Towers Shelters a Success

Fifty people signed up to play Undie-Go, our virtual fundraiser benefitting those experiencing homelessness on April 23. Money - $900 - was raised for shelter residents at Elim Church/Strong Tower Shelters. Everyone needs underwear, and our goal was to provide packs of underwear to all residents who stay at the shelter. Elim/Strong Tower Shelters houses 40 women and 40 men and couples each night. In our time of COVID-19, residents need a place to stay so the shelters are often at capacity.

B. Louise, drag queen extraordinaire, called out the numbers and prizes were chosen by our winners. Players exchanged banter and showcased their umbrella drinks as we all played a variety of games. Want to help us provide more underwear? Donate here!

And join us as we play again on May 2 at 7:00 p.m.!  Registration is limited to 75 so sign up early to play our second round of Undie-Go!!!

Another recap of this fun event and it’s impact