Women's March Minnesota

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What Do We Want? Equal Rights! When Do We Want It? Now!

Isn’t it time we had equal rights? Most Minnesotans say, yes, but momentum for the state qual Rights Amendment (ERA) bills is stalled in the Senate. I guess we’ve hit a GOP speed bump, but we just don’t have the time to slow down.

To get the ERA into the MN constitution, it must be on the Minnesota ballot for the 2020 statewide elections. To get it on the MN ballot for 2020, the ERA bill (HF13/SF200) has to go through the MN Legislature. It was passed by the House over a month ago. Yet, the Senate GOP leadership still refuses to hear it.

"Equality under the law shall not be abridged or denied on account of gender," is all we're asking to be added to the MN constitution. Visit ERAMN for more information on the bills.

Take action to get the Senate to hear the bill, pass it, and add it to the ballot! Let the people of Minnesota decide! Can you take a few minutes out of your day to make Equal Rights a reality for future generations?