Women's March Minnesota

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Time for the ERA full-court press - Minnesota Indivisible CALL TO ACTION!

Two sets of ERA Resolutions related to equality are pending in the MN legislature!

1.     Resolutions SF47/HF197 calling for the affirmation that the Equal Rights Amendment is valid and is the 28th Amendment Chief authors: Senator Sandy Pappas & Rep. Kristin Bahner https://eramn.org/2023-minnesota-federal-era-resolution/  This is headed for a floor vote. Similar resolutions have been passed in CA, HI, MI, CO

2.     MN' s STATE ERA Bill (SF37 & HF173) Chief authors: Senator Mary Kunesh & Rep Kaohly Her. https://eramn.org/2023-minnesota-state-era-bill/  This a proposed Amendment to the MN Constitution guaranteeing equality for all. This bill is currently being held in the Rules Committee by Representative Long. It needs to get out of committee and pass in 2023 so there is adequate time to educate the public prior to it being placed on the ballot in 2024.

Please contact your legislators and tell them to support both bills now. Most importantly, please contact LEGISLATIVE LEADERS House Speaker Melissa Hortman, House Majority Leader Jamie Long, and Senate Majority Leader Kari Dziedzic and tell them the MN ERA must be a top priority:

- No other movement has waited longer than equal rights for all. Call for the vote on ERA now. The time is always right to do what is right.

- What’s the hold-up? Call for the vote today on the ERA.

- We respectfully request that you take up the Equal Rights Amendment bills post haste. 100 years is too long to wait for equal justice for all.

