Women's March Minnesota

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Speak another language? Your help is needed at polling places on Election Day!

Apply to be an Election Judge!

Our Constitution demands that every citizen have an equal voice and vote in determining the future of our families, communities, and country. EVERY citizen.

Election judges are the backbone of our democracy. Do you or someone you know speak Spanish, Somali, Arabic, Hmong or any other language?  This is an opportunity to make a BIG difference. Unfortunately, some Minnesota citizens with English as a second language, and needing a little help at the polls on election day, frequently leave their polling place because no one is able to assist them.

Some Minnesota citizens have not had a positive experience with government and are very intimidated by the process. Having someone at the polling place they may recognize from their community makes it less daunting.

We need your help in recruiting people to apply as election judges; especially if they are bilingual! Email me and we will get you, or those you send our way, set up: abelladonna@commoncause.org

There is both online or in-person training.

We’re working to ensure that every eligible citizen has access to the ballot and the freedom to vote and that their votes are accurately counted.

Minnesota citizens needing a little help because of language barriers should not be excluded from the vote; volunteer as an Election Judge. Send me an email: abelladonna@commoncause.org TODAY!