Women's March Minnesota

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A bill that allows the Line 3 Oil pipeline proposal to bypass the proper review procedure must be stopped.

Greenlight Line 3  (HF 3759/SF3510) bypasses the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) review process and allows immediate construction of the Line 3 Oil Pipeline. What does this mean?

The Minnesota PUC has undertaken an appropriate, years-long review process to assess the need for a new pipeline, referred to as Line 3, intended to carry Canadian tar-sands oil through Northern Minnesota’s water-rich lands.

As a part of this regulatory review process thousands of citizens and experts testified, in person or by written comment, as to whether Line 3 should be approved, and if so, along what route.  A decision by the PUC is expected in June. 

This bill halts the PUC proceedings and grants approval for immediate construction of Enbridge’s proposed Line 3 pipeline along Enbridge’s proposed route.  The bill passed the House Jobs Growth and Energy Affordability Committee on a voice vote 2 weeks ago.  It passed the Senate Energy and Utilities Finance and Policy Committee on April 17th in a second vote taken with no notice to the public.  The bill did not pass the first vote taken earlier in the month.

The PUC’s deliberative, regulatory review must be allowed to continue.  Decisions like this should be made by regulators based on the best evidence from experts and the citizens of Minnesota.  Handing over the State’s eminent domain powers, with no regulatory oversight, to an oil company is not good for Minnesota.  The potential damage to climate, our precious waters and lands by allowing Enbridge to construct the pipeline where it wants and when is immense and irreparable. 

Call your Legislators and Governor Dayton and tell them to vote no on the Greenlight Line 3 bill. 

For more details to help you formulate your message:


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