Women's March Minnesota

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ERA is so close. Help get it closer by contacting your policymakers #ERAbyMothersDay

Thanks for all your organizational support for ERA so far. It is making a difference. ERAMN is turning up the pressure and setting a timeline for passing the ERA Bills in 2023. We don’t want to wait until the last week of session or be pushed out to 2024 session.  Please promote and share the attached #ERAbyMothersDay graphics. 

It is crunch time and we could really use your support now to get the Equal Rights Amendment over the finish lie in 2023. As allied organizations we would be grateful if you would reach out to legislators on behalf of your organization and let them know that you would like to see the ERA passed. We are currently stuck in the Rules committee (Rep. Jamie Long).


FIND YOUR LEGISLATOR HERE: https://www.gis.lcc.mn.gov/iMaps/districts/ 

 Why is it important to pass ERA Bills in 2023? So there is adequate time to educate the public on the amendment prior to voting on the general ballot in 2024.  Learn more at: https://eramn.org/2023-minnesota-state-era-bill/