Help Pro-Choice candidates get elected

We are determined to finally elect a pro-choice majority in both the MN House and the MN Senate. This is the only way to protect and expand the right of all Minnesotans to abortion and reproductive healthcare.  

There are many ways to help pro-choice candidates get elected, whether you live in their district or not. Here are some of the ways you can support them: 

  • identify pro-choice candidates you want to help get elected. Visit their candidate websites to see what they stand for. (Also, check this list of pro-choice candidates from Women Winning)

  • donate to their campaigns. Remember, you can get back the first $50 you donate to any candidate each year using the Political Contribution Refund 

  • sign up to phone bank/door knock/drop literature/write postcards/attend parades for your chosen candidate/s. You will find these events on their campaign websites or by signing up as a volunteer. Invite friends to go with you

  • talk to your friends about these candidates and why you support them

  • follow the candidates on social media and share their posts

  • share your enthusiasm for these candidates on social media. 

WMM is endorsing Tim Walz for Governor, Keith Ellison for Attorney General, and Steve Simon for Secretary of State. They will fight for the values we believe in on issues like reproductive freedom, climate action, public education, racial justice, public safety, trans rights, election integrity. Please support their campaigns in any way you can.

Ann Treacy